Τετάρτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

He wants to climb Mountains!

Kyle Maynard is an amazing person. As a young man he wants to go out with girls 
and be with friends and he has always enjoyed doing sports. 

He also loves climbing! The first time he tried going uphill it was very hard.
His arms and legs started bleeding but he decided not to give up. 

He loved seeing the view from the top so much that he promised himself
to climb Mt Kilimantzaro! He started practising and he has never stopped trying.
Ιn the end, with his friends, he managed  to make his dream come true! 

They liked the experience so much that Kyle suggested 
climbing a higher mountain next. His team agreed to support him 
and helped him to make his dream come true!

So, why is Kyle's story unusual?
Watch the video to find out!

Who is a really inspiring person you've met?
Write about him/her and share with the group.

So, do you want to climb Mt Kilimanzaro or do you enjoy sitting in the sun and drinkng coffee with your friends?
What do you notice about Kyle's story and the form of the underlined verbs?

Study  Gerunds and Infinitives here
Practice here

Τετάρτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Are you a good Time Manager?

Jokes for the Day!

Is it easy to manage time? How well do you control your time? Why? Why not?
Watch this video and choose the advice you think is best.

So, how good are you at time-management?  Do you plan time well?
Read the article and find out.
1. What things stop you completing your tasks on time?
2. Are you a perfectionist? If so, what problems does this cause?
3. Do you have your own personal time management tips?
4. Did you ever do things that you wish you hadn't done because they stole from your time?

Study adjectives and adverbs here.

Practice here

Then write a report to suggest ways for your company to introduce Time Saving measures for employees.

Τετάρτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

How on Earth has he guessed?

Have you ever seen your future in your palm / coffee, etc?  

Has someone ever stolen your data?

Have you shopped online yet?

Have you already travelled abroad without a credit card?

Language Time
So, have you ever studied Present Perfect tense? You will be amazed when you realise how much you already know!

Practice here

Time for a powerful dream!