Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Are you a good Time Manager? (U-I)

Jokes for the Day!


Is it easy to manage time? How well do you control your time? Why? Why not?
Watch this video and choose the advice you think is best.

So, how good are you at time-management?  Do you plan time well?
Read the article and find out.
1. What things stop you completing your tasks on time?
2. Are you a perfectionist? If so, what problems does this cause?
3. Do you have your own personal time management tips?
4. Did you ever do things that you wish you hadn't done because they stole from your time?

Study adjectives and practice  here.

Then write a report to suggest ways for your company to introduce Time Saving measures for employees.

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