Τρίτη 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

How to overcome Language Barriers

 Have you ever wished to communicate with another person and couldn't? What was the barrier?

What are (not) helpful ways to communicate?

smile/ gestures/ say nothing/ pretend/ ask people about words in their language

Do you agree? /Don't you agree? Isn't that right?/ 

Do you think the photographer spoke the language of these women? 

How did she communicate?

Annie Griffiths

intimidated, inexperienced, assignments, pregnancy, minority, non-threatening, pet peeve, accurate, ripple effect, malnourished

Have you ever taken pictures of people you didn't know? How?

What are helpful/not helpful actions for communication?

smile, gestures, say nothing if you don't know the right word, pretend you understand, ask people about words in their language, other______

Watch the video and talk about Annie's life
How she started
Way to appear non-threatening
What do Ripple Effects do?

How long has Annie been working as a photographer?

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