Τρίτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2022

Empathic communication

 Andrea is the new team leader of a team working on a project. In a meeting she gets angry and shouts at you for delaying a piece of work. You had explained beforehand that you needed more info to complete the job. You remember times in the past when Andrea didn't finish her work on time. How do you react?

a. think about why she may be angry and talk to her afterward

b. remind her of times in the past when she didn't finish her work on time

c. decide she is a bad leader and complain to the other team members in the kitchen area

Here is a video about empathy by the well-known researcher Brene Brown.

As you are watching, note down

1. The characteristics of empathy

2. How it is different than sympathy

Here are 5 tips to increase empathic reactions
Listen actively. Practice active listening by reformulating the message to the person who just said it. ...
Consider how the other person may be feeling. ...
Focus on similarities ...
Practise mindfulness...
Listen actively. Speak less that you listen
Find a way not to judge. You may disagree and still understand why they feel differently. ..

Further practice
Now, with your AP partner, look at these situations and decide how you would react empathetically:

Questions and intonation
Were  you surprised? 

Adverbs of degree

Which adjectives of feelings can you spot?
What adverbs make them more/less strong in degree?

Now write your own stories in the activity sheet.

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