What have the masters achieved? To what extent are their achievements due to natural talent or hard work in your opinion?
So how did Judith become so good ____chess?
She had a long-term commitment _____ becoming the best.
So, from a very early age, she focused ____ the game and pracised.
Where do Stephen's amazing abilities stem ___?
Already as a child, he had a passion ____ drawing.
Practice prepositions
Circle all the /dj/, /tj/ and /sh/ sounds in the tongue twisters (1-8).
Practise saying the tongue twisters in pairs.
1. I'm sure 1 saw Sheila selling seashells on the seashore, but I can't be sure she sold seashore shells.
2. Julia, George, Jean and Joan joyfully jumped down the jagged hill.
3. Chester the Cheetah chewed a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese.
4. Fresh fried fish,
Fish fresh fried,
Fried fish fresh,
Fish fried fresh.
5. If a dog chooses to chew shoes, whose shoes does he choose to chew?
6. Jenny just got jeans and a jacket for graduation in June or July.
7. Jump then touch your chin, jaw and cheek.
Jump then touch your jaw, cheek and chin.
Jump then touch your cheek, chin and jaw.
8. She saw Shirley's shoes on the sofa, but was she so sure she saw Shirley's shoes on the sofa?
B Discuss the questions in pairs.
1. Which of these sounds exist in your language?
2. Which of these tongue twisters did you find the most challenging? Why?
3. Did you find any of these tongue twisters easy? Which, and why?
Find a person you know for being a master in his domain (business, sports, etc). Prepare to talk about them using the words from the exercise above and the vocabulary of the lesson.
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