Τρίτη 4 Ιουλίου 2023

Company benefits

What is most important for you when choosing a job? Rank from 1-10

an impressive job title                                                    training and staff development

a good salary                                                                  a pension

flextime                                                                          traveling opportunities

opportunities for promotion                                          parental leave

days off and long holidays                                            a company car


Read an article here about XErox. What incentives does the article mention for employees at Xerox?

Now answer the questions here


What are some expressions with take in the Xerox text that mean:

1. not completely believe smth

2. look after

3. for exaple

4. participate in

5. employs 

6. regarded as important


What tenses can you spot in this job profile? What are they used for?

Steve started as a project manager in global services and since then has moved into sales. He has only been working in the company for two years. 

You can practise narrative (past) tenses more extensively here.


Asking questions about jobs
Work in pairs. Use the prompts to ask questions 1 to 6 about working for your company

Example: Q. Why /like the company? Why do you like the company?
A: It's like a family.
1 Q: long /working /the company?
P. Two years.
2 Q: when / join?
A: In 1978
3 Q: was /first job?
A: A project manager.
4 Q: what /responsible?
A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships.
5 Q: where based?
P. At Uxbridge.
6 Q: would /like/do// in the future?
A: Work abroad and be part of the senior management team.

Write a short piece (110 words approx) about a turning point in your life, work or studies; a moment when you decided to pursue a different route to the one you had until that point. 

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